Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monster Cereal Shirts

If you've been reading The Holidaze, then you know how important the Monster Cereals are to my Halloween.  Without Frankenberry, Count Chocula, and Boo Berry, Halloween just seems so incomplete.  They've been a crucial part of the season for years because they've always reminded me of Halloween as a child.  For that reason, I know this won't be the last post featuring the big three.

In today's post, which is the second on this fine Tuesday, we have Monster Cereal T-Shirts.  I found these at Wal-Mart and couldn't resist the purchase.  I had previously seen Lucky Charms and Cheerios shirts, but this was unexpected.

First, we have Frank, Count and Boo pictured together on this shirt.  The print is distressed and I like that because it makes the shirt look just as classic as the characters themselves.  These aren't the monsters pictured on 2011 boxes, these are fresh from the early days of Monster Cereals which is awesome. 

In case you can't read, the shirt clearly says "Nightmare on Your Street."  Of course, that does our illiterate friends no good because they still can't read what I just wrote.  But they can see how bright that yellow is and how much it adds to the shirt.  I can't say I'm a fan of the slogan, because these guys don't give me nightmares and should never be associated with Freddy Krueger, but I get the idea.

Here's the good news:  Count Chocula has his very own T-Shirt!!  The bad news??  Frank and Boo didn't get the same star treatment.  I would have liked to have pink and blue shirts matching the more flavorful characters, but everybody knows Count is the true leader.  Like it or not, he's the man and this shirt is awesome.  I'm loving the colors and design.  Yet, again, I'm not digging the slogan.  "Count Chocula Will Rockula??"  Really?  Believe me, I know the cereal is good, and I'll even admit that it "rocks," but the word "rockula?"  I'm not feeling that at all.  Again, I get the point, but whoever wrote that could have come up with something a little better.

Regardless, it doesn't matter what these shirts say.  They could have said "I Love Boys" and I still would have bought them simply because I love the characters.  Okay, I'm lying.  I wouldn't buy it if it said that, but I would have come close!  If you happen to see these shirts, I say buy 'em.  If you happen to see additional shirts, you better be the first person to comment on the Holidaze blog because CK needs to know!

1 comment:

  1. i came across these 2 shirts at walmart, i really wanted the nightmare shirt but it was empty! (i love the cereal and nightmare on elm street!)so i settled for the count (tho i like him just as much)i searched every walmart in town and kept checking but i have never seen these again. depressed i have looked online and only found 1 on ebay. but its a 1x (or 2x its listed as both somehow) which is too big for me but they want $13 for it! they were $5! i even attemped to contact the company tnt, with no reply. i fit a small but would be happy with a medium or large, are you able to help? (leave a comment, i will check back) thank you!
