Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Thank You!

Halloween has come to an end and we have now reached the month of November.  I'd just like to say, to anybody who consistently read The Holidaze or ever came across it by accident, Thank You!  I had a wonderful time writing about what I love this Halloween season and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.  When I first started writing about chocolate pumpkins, I really didn't see any future in it.  I figured I'd run out of things to talk about in one week and the three readers who happen to stumble upon this site will leave to never return again.  But, as things started to roll, it all picked up and, surprisingly, so did the amount of readers.  In just over a month, The Holidaze received just under 2,000 hits from all over the world.  Besides America, we're pretty popular in Spain, too.  Now, I know we didn't break any records, but I honestly never expected anything over 500 and, even then, that might have been pushing it.  But, thanks to you, we made the Holidaze a success in it's first phase of the year.

I don't know where to go from here, because The Holidaze is more than just a Halloween blog.  The Holidaze celebrates everything that puts us in a daze during all holidays so, up next, we have Thanksgiving!  What do we talk about during a holiday that really doesn't offer us much more than a day of eating like a glutton?  I have no idea, but I'm almost positive that Christmas will find it's way into the mix well before we even get close to Thanksgiving Day, and I'm fine with that.  For as much as I love Halloween, Christmas beats it by a mile.  The Christmas season and the build-up to Christmas Day offers much more in terms of giving and joy than Halloween does.  However, we make memories at all times of the year and, really, that's what we'll continue to do.  And as I come across things that make me happy and I do enhance the holidays, or life in general, I'll be sure to post it here for anybody who sticks around past Halloween and into the next phase of the Holidaze.

I'm going to end it here and put Halloween 2011 to rest.  It's bittersweet, because I loved the season, but it's time to embrace what comes next.  If you haven't read every entry, then I suggest you check them out now before that sense of Halloween has truly left your body until next year.  For now, I'd like to ask you to stick around, and get ready for more Holidaze in the days and weeks to come.  Soon enough, Yummy Mummy, Jason and Frankenberry will be replaced with new graphics and the renovations will be complete for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Once again, thank you for reading the Halloween portion of the Holidaze!  If it wasn't for you, I'd be writing to myself.

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