Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New Teddy Grahams

Teddy Grahams are the type of snacks, or cookies, that I never think to buy, but always do whenever I see them.  I don't go out of my way to pick them up, but I can never seem to turn them down when I see them on the shelf.  There they are, smiling at me.  They're holding the cookie version of themselves, laughing, inviting me to have a great time with them.  They're enticing and, every time, they lure me in and steal my money.  But that's fine, because I love Teddy Grahams.  I usually kill a box in less than 24 hours and I'm sure that's all part of Nabisco's plan!

My favorite flavor is Chocolate Chip Cookie, but it's a close call between that and Cinnamon.  Really, you can't go wrong.  Along with Chocolate and Honey, Teddy Grahams are a guaranteed hunger fix.  I love laying back, watching a good movie, with a box of Teddy Grahams.  But when I get to the bottom of that foiled bag?  Heartbreaker!

But the point of this post isn't to talk about the classic Teddy Graham flavors.  Oh no! I'm here to introduce you to two NEW Teddy Graham flavors to join our favorites!

Strawberry Banana and Apple!!  What do you think?  If you're anything like me, you might be thinking this is a bad idea.  I mean, when I think of fruit, I tend to think healthy.  When I think Teddy Grahams, I really don't care much about health.  How can I justify going from Chocolate Chip to Strawberry Banana?  I'd feel like a sell-out!  But, you know I had to give them a shot.  Maybe they'd prove me wrong?

You know what?  These new Teddy Grahams are awesome!!  I absolutely love them.  They're not what I expected at all and that's a good thing.  To start, they're both basically honey flavored with a hint of whatever flavor they're supposed to be.  Strawberry Banana is really just Banana, but Apple is soo good.  Remember those Caramel Apple Cookies I reviewed in October?  That's what these Teddy Grahams remind me of.  So much that I actually wish they were a limited-edition seasonal item.  If they released them in a Fall box, it would really enhance the season.  Regardless, they're perfect for Spring and I think they're a homerun!

Now, I didn't know it, but after Googling, this isn't the first time Nabisco has released different varieties of Teddy Grahams.  A few years ago, they released a Mixed Berry flavor followed by Banana and, most recently, Oatmeal.  As far as I know, they've all been discontinued but apparently Mixed Berry was a huge hit.  Fans are still clamoring for a comeback but, unfortunately, I missed out on the edition and can't say what the fuss was all about.  But these two new flavors are here, for now anyway, and they're worth hyping.  Not only for their taste, but because of the new box, too!

On every Teddy Grahams box that I can recall, the Teddy Bears on the front were always naked.  I was going to say they were "bare" but that pun wasn't really working for me.  But there's no longer to call them anything but fashionable, now!  The Teddy Bears are now wearing T-shirts!  Each flavor is designated a different colored tee.  Strawberry Banana gets the pink, and Apple gets the green.  Makes sense.  The classic flavors are also packaged in the updated design and, if memory serves, the t-shirts were blue, red, brown, and yellow.  But the best part is that these bears are obviously good negotiators.  Nabisco surely asked them to cover up and become a bit more family friendly.  I doubt they wanted to conform, but they met their bosses half way and put a shirt on.  But pants?  Hell no.. They're all business up top but it's a party down below.  Hey now!

I'm curious to know if there are any discontinued flavors that I may have missed in my Google searches.  I didn't realize there were as many as I found.  But, in this case, find these Teddy Grahams and give them a shot!  I'd bet you love them and, if you don't, pretend that you never read this blog.  Nobody else does, anyway :)

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