Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Holiday Pretzel Crisps

Amazingly, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and there's no better bridge to Christmas than Turkey Day and time spent with family.  By now, you've probably purchased everything you need for your festive feast, but did you pick up the Pretzel Crisps?  What, you've never heard of them?  They're amazing!  In a time where everybody is flipping out over a chocolate covered Lays potato chip, these are completely flying under the radar.  Having never seen them before, I first tried "Buffalo Wing" Pretzel Crisps at a family party and got hooked.  They were so great that we went out and bought more when we got home.  Sure, they're a bit expensive compared to your traditional bag of chips, but you truly get what you pay for.  Whether it's Original, Chipotle Cheddar, or Cinnamon Toast, you're really in for a treat.

Now, with the holidays upon us, Snack Factory has released seasonal Pretzel Crisps that are perfect for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and this time of year!

Mint Chocolate Crunch!

The tagline is "Rethink Your Pretzel" and I think that's fitting.  For a second, think about this - you're getting a tiny, crunchy, salted pretzel, coated in mint chocolate and covered in chocolate chips.  How in the world are you going to go wrong with that?  Between the green bag, snow graphics, and images of deliciousness, this is the type of product that pulls you in and takes your money.

Okay, not gonna lie - the bag is definitely misleading and borders on false advertisement.  If you look at the Pretzel Crisps displayed on the bag, they're evenly and overly coated in an abundance of mint chocolate.  The actual Pretzel Crisps?  Not so much.  Fortunately, these pretzels are covered enough for my liking and, at the end of the day, flavor is all that matters.  Because these taste so good, there's no way I can be mad at the lying bag.  This is what you expect from a chocolate covered pretzel.  You need that perfect contrast between sweet and salty.  Combine that with mint, which I didn't even think would work, and you've got a great snack for the holidays.  Sure, it may not look as pretty as depicted, but once they hit your taste buds, you won't even care.

To go along with Mint Chocolate Crunch, we have White Chocolate & Peppermint flavored Pretzel Crisps.  Look, between now and Christmas, just about everything is going to be dedicated to peppermint and gingerbread flavored products.  Just about everything I've purchased already tastes like one of those two things, but that's okay during this time of year.  It should be expected and welcomed as flavors of the season.  For me, personally, it sparks the spirit and that's why this bag, even if the flavor was close to the other, had to be picked up.  Besides, the Candy Cane theme is more Christmassy than the Chocolate Mint Crunch.  I'm easy, what can I say?

Unlike the first batch of Pretzel Crisps, this White Chocolate & Peppermint variety does a better job living up to it's promised coating and, for the most part, matches the photograph printed on the bag.  I wasn't expecting much from these, but wow, they're so much better than the Mint Chocolate Crunch!  Believe me, that's saying a lot because they're both outstanding products.  The broken Candy Cane pieces add so much to the flavor but aren't so crunchy that they'll break your teeth.  It's like salted candy!  Everything about these Pretzel Crisps work so well together and I'm happily surprised by their punch.  This is the type of knockout game you want to play!

I'm not exactly sure where you can buy Pretzel Crisps, but we found them at Target.  They're the type of chips that I don't go looking for, but love when I have them.  In that way, they're similar to Pringles, but I think they're a hell of a lot better.  Obviously I wouldn't eat these two varieties outside of the holiday season, but Pretzel Crisps offer much more than even I was aware of and, now, I'm hungry and want to go buy more.  If you're out and still have time and money to pick up a last minute snack for Thanksgiving, make these your choice.  They'll get everybody excited for Christmas and thankful that they came to your house for the big day!

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