Thursday, May 15, 2014

Holidaze Logo Tee

It's been over a month since I last posted on The Holidaze and you can blame that on Brooklyn Nets basketball.  For as much as I love all things nerdy and nostalgic, I have just as much passion for my Nets and it's almost as if I live two separate lives in an attempt to keep two different followings.  If I start talking about basketball here, I lose a lot of you.  If I start talking about The Holidaze outside of here, I start losing the jocks.  Can't we all just get along??  Just take a look at my personal Instagram @CKCash30 and you'll understand what I mean.  Even though it all sums up who I am as one person, I generally have to keep these different aspects in their own place.

However, now that the Miami Heat have unfortunately eliminated the Nets from the NBA Playoffs, I'm going to have much more time to dedicate to The Holidaze.  Now, if I had a few new topics, that would certainly help.  I had at least 6 posts ready for Easter, but work got in the way and it all went downhill.  So, from here on out, I'm going to make attempts to update the site and keep things fresh.  When it's any time outside of September to January, it's pretty tough, but Summer usually brings out the best in everything so I'll give it a good effort.  I already have my eyes on a few new products, but have been unable to find them in stores.  Back to hunting!

In the meantime - and I'll admit this is cheap - I opened up a SpreadShirt store online and will be posting various t-shirt designs as I come up with them.  This is one area where you may see two worlds collide, but I think it's a great opportunity to fund the site!  So far, I only have one product on sale for both sexes and it's, appropriately, The Holidaze logo!  If you're interested in owning this Ghoul-Aid inspired tee, it's yours for $25!

Yeah, it's a cheap Mick Foley pop, but somebody has to pad The Holidaze's pockets and keep that junk food coming at ya!  There will surely be more designs posted, but I'll be taking t-shirt requests from all readers!  Maybe you have an awesome suggestion that will revolutionize the t-shirt industry and make me the next Zuckerberg or famous on Shark Tank.  Or... maybe... you have a cool shirt idea that will, at least, sell to you!  Either way, I'm interested and I hope you are, too!

Until a new topic comes up, I'll see ya soon!


  1. Have you found the new Mountain Dew: Baja Blast for sale yet? It's one of the first real "summer" related items that I've seen for sale this year. Love the t-shirt too... I will have to pick one up soon!

  2. Hey Kyle.. I have found the Baja Blast and I'm happy to see it's been released in retail. I've always been a fan of the Taco Bell flavor so it's nice to have on shelves for a while. I may write a post on that soon. I hear there are a few other "summer sodas" out, but haven't found anything else yet. I'm glad you like the shirt.. Just something to keep me busy during my down time. Hopefully things pick up soon. I'm ready for September lol
