Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Reese's and Hershey Candy Bags

We all know how important the randomly assorted bags of candy are to the Halloween season.  Every year, they fill the aisles of department stores in giant orange boxes.  It's the time of year when candy companies take every one of their products, miniaturize them, and combine them to create a pinata-like bag of Halloween goodies.  I'm sure you've seen hundreds on shelves already, but here are two that stood out to me.

For me, Reese's Miniature Peanut Butter Cups have become synonymous with Halloween and Christmas.  Every year, they fill up bowls in my living room and usually don't last very long.  Right now, there are probably about 6 left and they'll be gone by the end of the week.  That's the problem with celebrating Halloween so early.  By the time the big day actually arrives, I'll have nothing left.

The bag is perfect for Halloween.  It's simple, effective, and horrifying.  They couldn't have picked two better colors without being confused for their very own bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Pumpkins.  It's good.. I like it.  What else can I say?

These mini peanut butter cups are nothing new.  You know exactly what you're getting and that's a good thing because they taste great.  But the cool thing about the Halloween edition?  The black and orange wrappers.  Much like the Rice Krispies Treats, these wrappers make me happy.  Again, I love seeing companies go the extra mile and they did with both the bag and wrappers.  It's sad how much I enjoy staring at stupid candy wrappers, but that's what puts me in a Holidaze!

The Hershey bag has a similar style, and that makes sense, because Hershey makes Reese's Peanut Butter Cups too.  So, it's no surprise that this bag is decked out for Halloween.  It doesn't take much to celebrate the season.  All you have to do is throw a pumpkin on a bag and draw a few bats and you're set.  It's that easy.  Hear that, graphic designers?

The designers at Hershey must have "heard that" because they've done a fantastic job.  They could have easily wrapped the miniature candy bars in their primary colors, but they didn't.  They chose colors that contrast well with each classic logo.  For example, they used green to go along with the Mr.Goodbar logo.  That means they were thinking logically rather than simply throwing things together.  Plus, they used what I consider to be the only true Halloween colors - orange, black, purple and green.  This is my type of work.  I think Hershey should give me a call and offer me a job.  We could do great things together.

As I said, we've all seen these types of bags before.  If you want to pick them up, they're everywhere and easy to find.  It comes down to which variety of candy you prefer and what looks best in your living room.  So far, these two bags have proven to have the best of both worlds.  But, the Holidaze is still young and there's still plenty of time to see what else is out there.

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