Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Wow.. Where did October go?  The entire spooky season has flown right by and I still can't believe it.  I think starting this blog added to it's quickness, but I enjoyed every second of it.  It was a great experience and I looked forward to writing new entries, especially when people actually started reading.  I've heard great things from a few of you and it's being able to connect with so many of you has been amazing.  For as much as I love Halloween, I'm upset that it's already October 31st.  I feel like we had so many things left to talk about.  For that reason, the Halloween season simply can't end yet.  We still have a few hours left before this season escapes us and I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.

First off, let me introduce you to the first pumpkin my girlfriend and I have ever carved.

As a child, I've only ever painted pumpkins.  I may have carved one or two, but I don't remember doing so.  My Mom used to paint Sesame Street characters and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and I loved them.  It was just so much easier that way.  You didn't have to bother with gutting it or dealing with that mess.  Besides, I thought the insides were downright disgusting.  Who wants to touch this??

I don't like the way it looks, I don't like the way it feels, and I don't like the way it smells.  But, Halloween is all about creating memories and, in 7 years, my girlfriend and I have never carved our own pumpkin.  The experience was over due and I was looking forward to seeing how it would all come out.  So, after I drew the face on, we began carving our little buddy and, in no time at all, he was alive.

Because I had very little experience in the art of carving pumpkins, I thought this was going to be a long, strenuous task.  I was expecting it to be an all-night affair that would leave us with nothing but an ugly, misshaped, Jack-O-Lantern.  To my surprise, this took less than an hour and I loved the entire process.  Okay, maybe not the gutting, but the carving itself was relaxing.  You would think, with my love for Halloween, that this part of the season would have been one of my strong points, but it wasn't.  However, it will be now.  I already have ideas running through my mind for next year.  Pumpkin Carving just picked up a new fan.  If there is a Facebook page, I'm going to like it.  If there is a Twitter account, I'm going to follow it.  Next year, I'm going to go carazy!

Of course, I can't let you go without seeing Jack lit up in all his glory!  When I saw him shine, I knew this would now be a part of my Halloween tradition.


Now, that picture was taken on Friday.  However, on Saturday, something happened...

On Saturday morning, I woke up and was pumped for the big night.  For weeks, I had planned on going to Hoboken, NJ for a night of drinks, dancing and, of course, costumes.  I had worked on a Macho Man Randy Savage costume for about two weeks and couldn't wait to show it off.  Then, I looked out the window, and saw... Snow!!?  I couldn't believe it!  We haven't seen snow in October since 1952 and, that means, not even my Parents were alive to see that!

I go to bed one night, expecting Halloween in the morning, and I wake up to find Christmas.  The kids across the street loved it, and I'm sure a few of my neighbors did too, but I was nothing but angry.  My night out was ruined.  The paint I added to my jacket would have surely run had I gone out and I wasn't going to ruin my costume.  So, instead, I took a picture of my Pumpkin and stayed snowed in.  I never though I'd be snowed in for Halloweekend, but I certainly was!

That's just not supposed to happen!  It isn't normal, especially in New Jersey!  This October, snow began to fall before the leaves did!  That led to branches crashing down on to cars and sidewalks.  Power lines came down too!  It was insane and, honestly, I never thought I'd see snow on Hallowen.  But it's out there.

After all the work I put into my costume, I had to put it on.  I had to get something out of it, so we all dressed up and threw an impromptu Halloween party!  We had cupcakes and watched Michael Myers thrash through Haddonfield.  Although, Halloween 3 is a joke.  Don't ever watch it. 

So, because I don't want this costume to go to waste, I'm going to share it here with you.  Here's the Macho Man Randy Savage.. Ohhh Yeahhh!

Now, if only I could pick up a pair of muscles and some height.  Then we'd be set!

Hey, this just in, my girlfriend is letting me put her picture on the blog, too!  She is a Fortune Teller this year.

She was the only one who predicted the October Snow Storm!

I'd love to see your Halloween costumes, especially if you made it yourself.  Follow me at @CKHolidaze and send me a picture.  Seriously, do it!

More to come on this Halloween night!  Stay Tuned, Holidazers

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