Friday, October 7, 2011

Haunted House Painting

Just a quick double-post on this fine October day.  I wanted to show you the newest painting done by my Mom for the Halloween season.  This time, my Mom went bigger with a Haunted House and I really love what she did.  My favorite aspect or the painting are the colors.  The different shades of purple work perfectly for the house and contrasts well with the grassy graveyard and deep blue sky.  The monsters, though innocent, still manage to look like they're up to no good and the ghosts are rising for Halloween mischief.  The witches are also brewing up some evil and their presence is felt in three different instances.  And they must be "real" witches too because they're not green.  The non-green witches are the ones you need to look out for.

This is my favorite of any painting my Mom has ever completed.  She really went all out on it and it truly depicts the spirit of Halloween.  This reminds me of the houses I used to draw as a child and makes me want to work on some of my own stuff.  I really need to get around to that before the Holidaze shifts on to Thanksgiving.  For now, I hope you enjoyed the newest art piece.

1 comment:

  1. This is totally AMAZING! Clearly your Mum must be very talented to do this! Anyway keep up the posts!
