Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pumpkin Spice Krispies Treats

The entry banner isn't my best, but that's okay, because these Pumpkin Spice Krispies Treats that you're about to see are awesome!  I don't like to toot my own horn, but after those horrible Monster Treats, we feel as though we've fully redeemed ourselves!  These Pumpkin Spice Krispies Treats are not only good enough to eat, they're good enough to sell.  Somebody should order them from me.  Now.

Just like any Rice Krispies treats, all you need are the marshmallows, butter and cereal.  The process by which you attempt to create the perfect treats is up to you, but we chose to go a different route than our last go around.  This time, we chose to use the microwave and melt the marshmallows in increments.  We didn't know if that would help or make a difference, but since last time didn't work out, we had to try something new.

Things were looking good at this point.  Last time, we had an ugly, milky, watery mix that barely covered half of our cereal.  This time, we actually have a mixture.  This was thick and creamy.  That sounds really fat, but I can't come up with a better description.  All we had to do now was add the cereal and let it sit for a few hours.

2 Hours Later...


Last time, we couldn't even cut the Monster Treats.  It was a complete mess and total debacle.  I was so disappointed in what we created.  But, this time, we did it right.  The treats were soft, gooey, and wonderful.  We were so nervous when we took the foil off of the layer of treats because we were expecting the worst, but thankfully, we got the best!  Time to cut 'em up..

Cutting them into squares would have been too easy and not cool enough.  We had to do something different and realllly redeem ourselves.  So we picked up cookie cutters and decided to use the Pumpkin to cut our treats into Pumpkin shapes.  What better way to cut Pumpkin Spice Krispies Treats?  Makes total sense..

Even our shapes came out great!  Our little pumpkins were all cut out and ready to be eaten.  But.. no, I don't think we're done just yet.  Sure, they look good and we've certainly redeemed our last attempt, but now we need to take it a step higher.  The back of the Jet-Puffed bag pictured the treats decorated with Candy Corn.  That's a great way of making them stand out, but we wanted to go even further. 

So, here's what we came up with..

Here they are!!  Our 6 adorable Pumpkin Treats all decked out in Halloween goodness.  See, regular Spice Krispies Treats are great, and they probably even taste better than when they're covered in gel and sprinkles, but their appearance is what screams Halloween.  The Holidaze is about creating memories and that's what my girlfriend and I did with these treats.  We had an amazing time coming up with different faces and ways to decorate them.  And even though the taste didn't really matter to us, it just so happened that they tasted great.  I didn't think I'd like the pumpkin flavor as much as I did, but I do and I'm already looking forward to making them again before Halloween comes to an end.

Now, let's take a look at our baby Pumps..

His name?  "Spicy."  The sprinkles look like pepper and, considering he's "pumpkin spiced," this just makes sense.

He reminds me of a snake, so I was thinking about naming him "Reptile," but I decided to go with "Abraham."  He looks like he has a beard due to his chin of sprinkles and it reminded me Abraham Lincoln.  So this pump is named after good old Abe..

Here, we have "Daze."  He looks like he's lost, dazed and confused.  He really doesn't know what's going on and I have to believe it's because he's so caught up in the Halloween season.  So, I'm paying homage to my own blog and naming him Daze.

He looks like a "Happy," but that's too Snow White for me.  I could name him "Joy," but that's too Christmassy.  So, I'm going to name him "Fave."  Out of all our Pumpkin Treats, this is the little guy who made us happiest.  He's adorable and we can't help but to call him our favorite.  So this guy, still uneaten, is "Fave."

This one is easy.  He reminds me of the Scream mask so his name is "Screamer."  I was going to get fancy and name him Billy after the original Scream killer, but that's just over thinking it.  I'm going to go with my first choice and that's "Screamer."

Finally, we have "Faceless."  You can only make so many pumpkins without them all looking the same so, by the time we got to the 6th one, we were just throwing on some decorative sprinkles.  This poor guy didn't even get a face so, obviously, his name is "Faceless."  I feel bad for him, but that's just the way it goes.  Sometimes life is unfair and this guy got screwed.  Oh well, at least he tastes good..

I hope you enjoyed reading about our Pumpkin Spice Krispies Treats.  We had a good time making them and we created even more memories.  As I said, that's what the Holidaze is all about and I encourage you to do whatever you can to make your own memories.  These treats are a fabulous way of doing so, but it's completely up to you.  I highly recommend making these treats, though.  They taste great and you can make some pretty cool designs.  If anybody ever reads this, feel free to send me pictures of what you've made.  I'd love to check 'em out.

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