Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Apple Pie Pop Tarts

Because I only like a few flavors, particularly the Frosted Strawberry and Chocolate Chip, I don't purchase many boxes of Pop Tarts throughout the year.  I have to really be in the mood for them or extremely hungry as I'm walking the aisles.  But, whenever I see a new or Limited Edition flavor, you can pretty much bet I'll give it a shot, especially when they're holiday related.  So, of course, when I saw these Apple Pie Pop Tarts, I had to have them.

I'm pretty sure Kellogg's used to make Apple Strudel Pop Tarts and, if I'm right, I believe there were pretty much the same thing as the new Frosted American Apple Pie Pop Tarts.  But that's not why I bought them, anyway.  I bought these because of the box design.  More specifically, I bought these because of that American Flag flying in the right-hand corner.  I would have liked to see that red one dressed in American colors, too, but that one is just about all it takes for me to waste my money.  But with the Fourth of July just days away, I thought it was fitting for the Holidaze.

There's probably nothing more American than apple pie, baseball, and fireworks on the Fourth of July.  Through those things, we get to celebrate our freedom and take a break from the stress of everyday life and enjoy the rare simplicity of life.  That's what's so great about a box of Pop Tarts. 

I think I've mentioned this here before, but I don't toast Pop Tarts, I microwave them.  I like them softer and obviously don't mind burning my tongue with scolding hot filling.  As you can see above, it looks like Apple Pie.  More importantly, it tastes like Apple Pie.  These are actually some of the better flavors I've had in a while.  They're almost good enough to have on Thanksgiving, but not quite.  I'd say give them a shot, though.  I think you'll like them.

One thing I will say about these Frosted American Apple Pie Pop Tarts is that they're not fun.  There's nothing fun about the box or design.  The excitement level is so low that I couldn't even come up with anything witty to say in this post.  Not that I usually do anyway.  But just look at the back of the box.  They wrote facts about apples.  Really?  What kid wants to sit down at the breakfast table and read about apples?  Do they really think some kid is going to go to school and tell all their friends that China is now the number one apple producer in the world and not the United States?  Actually, I didn't know that.  Why the hell are they symbols of Americana then?  That explains the red flag next to the American flag on that box.  Oh boy, enjoy your Frosted Chinese Apple Pie Pop Tarts.

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