Friday, October 12, 2012

Pumpkin Spice Kisses

I spotted these about a month ago and they've been sitting in my kitchen ever since.  As you all know, I don't like the taste of pumpkin flavored anything.  I really really wish I did because everything comes in a pumpkin variety during this time of year.  There was such an uproar over Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte the other day and I wasn't able to take part in the commotion.  I wanted to be upset over the low supply and high demand as well!  But I couldn't have cared less because I never drink the stuff.  Such a shame.

I've tried tasting various pumpkin items over the years, but it usually results in the same outcome.  Granted, Pumpkin beer was good after it's taste was acquired, but that's about it.  I love the smell of pumpkin pie, but can never make it past the first bite.  I wanted to review pumpkin pie Pop-Tarts, but knew that would just be a waste of money.  It's really annoying, honestly.  I'd love to get my taste buds situated, but they can't stand pumpkin.

Regardless of my own personal preferences, the new Pumpkin Spice Hershey's Kisses were just too new to pass up.  As soon as I saw them, I knew I'd eventually give in so I just went ahead and bought it right there and then.  As I said, for about a month, they sat on the kitchen table in their fancy fall bag, just waiting for somebody to enjoy them.  I admired the design, but didn't feel any urge to open them up.  But I knew, for The Holidaze, it needed to be done.  So I continued onward.

Much like Pumpkin Pie, the smell that hits you as soon as you open this bag is amazing.  It's very spicy, in the pumpkin sense, and gets your appetite working up a sweat.  Even though I knew I'd probably hate these Kisses, my nose was telling my tongue to have a change of heart.  I was giving into everything now and I knew I was on my way to trying one of these new Kisses.  Whether I liked it or not, this review was getting written for The Holidaze season!

First, though, we have to talk about the wrappers.  The Pumpkin Spice Kisses are wrapped in gold and brown foil.  I've always been a fan of Hershey's changing their Kisses' wrappers from color to color to represent the time of year.  For Halloween, it's black and orange.  For Christmas, it's green and red.  For Valentines Day, it's red and pink.  The little things mean a lot to me and, this time, I'm mesmerized by the swirls.  It looks like the Kisses are dressed up in Tiger costumes for Halloween.  I know this is a Fall item and probably isn't mean to be associated with October 31st, but I'm going to go ahead and change all that.  These Kisses can't wait for Halloween and they've taken this opportunity to dress up early and let the whole world know that they're Kissing Tigers made of Pumpkin Spice.  Scares me, at least.

On the bag, the Hershey's Kiss depicted in the lower right corner is light brown, so this was to be expected, but I got such a thrill opening up this wrapper.  Seeing how light and "caramelly" this Kiss looked made my day.  In fact, I wish it was caramel!  That would have been covered weeks ago.  But I love seeing something different, something new, for the change in seasons.  Hershey's made me proud with this one.  But I knew the moment of truth was coming next, so my pride was swallowed and I moved on to the next test.  It was time to eat Pumpkin Spice Kisses.

Honestly, not that bad.  It's not my favorite candy in the world, but it's pretty good.  I'll call it decent, how's that?  Like the bag states, It tastes much more like Pumpkin Spice than it does Pumpkin and, for me, that's certainly a plus.  I'm not sure what type of filling that is in the middle, but it adds a different type of texture to the Kiss.  It makes it chewier, if that makes any sense.  Other than that, it makes for a cool contrast in colors and, even better, awesome alliteration ;)

Overall, this was a good pick-up.  If you're like the majority of people who enjoy pumpkin flavored products, then I'd say this is a must-buy.  If I like it, even a little bit, then you're bound to jump for glory.  Despite my picky eating and low tolerance for anything outside my realm of preference, I do know that this is amazing candy and a great direction for Hershey.  I'm sure, if you try it, you'll like it.  So go ahead, pumpkin eaters!  Purchase a bag of Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses and give it a swirl.  Then let me know what YOU think!


  1. These have been out for several year so I am over them, yet I still buy at least one bag every year. I just have to since I enjoy pumpkin spice anything and it's Halloween. It's an unwritten rule. One year, Hershey's made candy corn kisses as well. I hate candy corn yet I really did enjoy candy corn kisses.
    M & M's have candy corn m&m's out this year too. They are really good and I hate candy corn! They taste more like buttercream frosting which is not a bad thing!

  2. Wow I'm surprised I haven't seen them before. Ya know, until last year when I started the blog, I really didn't notice as much as I do now so I probably overlooked them. But they're definitely a Fall treat. I've seen the Candy Corn M&M's but haven't picked them up yet. I figure they'll be around through Halloween. But thanks for all the updates! Appreciate it!

    1. Anytime! I enjoy holiday food and packaging as much as you do. I'll keep my eye out for new things.

      Oct-Dec is the best time for this stuff!

  3. Saskia Matalie Fourt-WellsFebruary 1, 2014 at 5:14 PM

    I got so addicted to these, I imported them to New Zealand! Seriously!
