Wednesday, August 28, 2013

League of Extraordinary Bloggers

"Hello, My Name Is.."

Throughout my time writing on The Holidaze, I've searched via Facebook and Twitter for other blogs that are similar to my own or those that I may have a personal interest in.  While doing so, I stumbled across and the "League of Extraordinary Bloggers."  Now what is that?  Well, once a week, they post a topic and invite any and every blog to write or post about that said topic.  It seems like a great idea and, from what I've seen, builds up a great camaraderie between those who participate and provides cool stories.  I figured, let's give this a try and see how it goes.  Especially when this week's topic is so fitting for a first-time post.

Hello, my name is Cliff!

Those who read The Holidaze know a little bit about me and it's hard to sum it all up in one post, but that's me next to WWE Superstar Randy Orton.  I'm a huge wrestling fan and have been since a child.  If you're interested in reading more about my passion for the WWE and how it inspired me to be creative in my personal and professional life, then feel free to check out my recent post about it all.  In a nutshell, I've always had great respect and admiration for putting on a show within the entertainment business.  In my opinion, nobody does that better than the WWE and, since a young age, I've always looked to find my own niche and way of entertaining.  I guess that's what The Holidaze is, even if it's just me in my tiny corner of the Internet world.

For 9 years, I've been in an amazing relationship with my girlfriend, Eileen.  There is no bigger part of my life than what I have with her.  I went to an all-boy high school, she went to an all-girl school, and we met by chance in my Junior year.  She was a Freshman.  I never would have expected that, 9-years-later, we'd still be together with such an incredible bond, but I couldn't ask for anything better.  To connect on such a level, where I can read what she's thinking just by looking at her, is something I never thought I'd find at 16-years-old and I try not to take that for granted.

I'm 26-years-old, but inside, I'm still pretty much the same kid from 1990 you see above.  I was the biggest Ninja Turtles fan and that was the Christmas I finally received my "Turtle Van" and Sewer from good ol' Santa.  From there, I transitioned with the times and grew a love for Disney, Power Rangers, Batman, etc..  As I grew older, I became nostalgic and looked to resurrect all the things I loved and, thanks to so many like me, it wasn't all that hard.  Companies have been pushing all that I used to love for the past few years and that's made it easier to re-collect and enjoy what I grew up on.  But don't let the "geek" fool you.  I'm not somebody who got picked on in school or doesn't know who Derek Jeter is.  Sports are a huge part of my life.

For the last 5 years, I've worked for the Brooklyn (formerly New Jersey) Nets.  Above is one of my favorite photos taken from television.  It was when we announced Deron Williams and Joe Johnson as our new back court in Brooklyn.  I happened to be pictured in the background so I like to call us the "Big 3."  As a long-time, die-hard Nets fan, I had an amazing time with the team and met more athletes and celebrities than I can remember.  Most of them were class acts, especially Jimmy Fallon who I grew a new respect for.  But, as it normally goes, all good things come to an end and I've moved on to other things.  Thanks to new opportunities, the future is brighter than ever and for as much as I love the past, I look forward to carrying that nostalgia with me as I progress into the distance.

Of course, I'd be nowhere without these two people - my Mother and Father.  The Holidaze focuses a lot on nostalgia and, believe me, I'd have nothing to talk about if it weren't for the generosity and love from my parents.  Let me be honest, I was spoiled as a kid.  I grew up with 14 close cousins, so I never felt like an only child, but I am and I received every perk that comes with it.  However many presents you and your brothers received, I got double.  But the biggest thing they instilled in me was to never be selfish and never take things for granted.  I'm not entitled to anything.  Good things come to good people who share their kindness with others, work hard, and strive to be a positive person.  I couldn't ask for better parents and, in the photo above, on Father's Day 2013, we had one of the best days when I got our picture up on the big screen.

If you've ever read The Holidaze, you've probably realized that many of the designs are original.  That's because I freelance as a graphic designer and have loved creating something from nothing since I was 13-years-old.  It's a very cool feeling to see something you've created out there for the world to see.  Many of you understand the feeling and, honestly, a few of you are way out of my league in terms of illustration.  I tend to focus on my Nets, promoting them through my art and attempting to build a larger fan base.  For me, it's fun, but I always take on the extra business when it comes looking for me.  It's a passion and one that I love to express as much as I do my writing on The Holidaze.

There are so many more sides to me and aspects of my life that cannot be explained here on The Holidaze, but if you've never read the site before, I welcome you to look back on previous posts to gain a better understanding of who I am.  I also invite you to stick around as we move toward the Halloween season and begin discussing some fun stuff.  At the end of the day, The Holidaze is more about what to do and what there is rather than who I am.  I just happen to be guy presenting it to you.

I'd like to thank and the "League" for coming up with such a cool idea and allowing all bloggers to get involved.  I'm already looking forward to next week and a brand new topic.

Don't forget to check out other bloggers from "The League" and get to know them, too!


  1. Awesome post, welcome to the League! Also, I really love that Slimer T-shirt!

  2. Thanks! Good to be a part of it! Not sure if they still have it, but I ordered the Slimer tee at

  3. Thank you! Looking forward to the upcoming assignments. I really enjoyed reading about you!

  4. Glad to meet you Cliff and have you in the League. I'm no baseball fan, but I have been known to go on an ocassional football rant every now and then. ;)

  5. Welcome aboard! You're definitely in some good company here and it looks like you're already linked with other League members.

  6. ahh I know the feeling. Let's go Giants haha!

  7. Thank you very much! Definitely good company! Awesome to see so many people share and connect without ever meeting one another. Very cool!

  8. Yes, welcome to the League! Really cool introduction! Thank you for sharing. Take care.

  9. Thanks, Miss M! I appreciate you taking the time to read :)

  10. Very cool getting to know the man behind the Holidaze. I hope Randy didn't RKO you.

  11. Thanks, Cody! Thankfully, I dodged the RKO haha

  12. Nice work. Countered into a diamond cutter.

  13. Haha, of course! DDP!

  14. It's great to hear your story Cliff. I'm looking forward to reading future posts from you. I can relate to your interest in resurrecting items from the past. It's kind of a passion of mine. ;-)

  15. Thanks, John! I'm glad to hear you also have a passion for nostalgia and bringing the past along with you into the future. It's a lot of fun and keeps the kid alive inside :)
