Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pebbles Sugar Cookie Cereal

As you can see, The Holidaze has decked the digital halls with red and green to celebrate the next phase of holiday fun!  In only a matter of weeks, we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving here in the states.  In less than four weeks after that, the biggest holiday of them all will be upon us - Christmas Day!!  Personally, I can't believe the time is so near.  It feels like only yesterday that I was reeling from the Halloween blues.  Okay, well it was only 12 days ago, but these holidays will sneak up on you!  6 weeks sounds like a lot to soak in all the sights and sounds, along with spending all that money on all those presents, but it's really not.  Like every year, Christmas will creep up on us and we'll be waiting for Santa to arrive on Christmas Eve before we know it.  For as much as I love Halloween, Christmas ignites a different type of emotion and it's one that I can never get enough of.  Now, in the past, I've yet to follow through with the Christmas portion of The Holidaze.  I've tried, but I've failed.  Unlike Halloween, Christmas keeps me busy and focused on friends and family more than the selfish spooky season.  This year, my goal is to change that to bring in a new audience, keep my loyal readers happy, and change the vibe a bit.  Work is still a pain, so we'll see how it goes, but I'd love to share this season with all of you.  Between Turkey Day, Christmas, and New Year's Eve, we have more than enough to keep us going.

Now, I wasn't sure if or when I'd start the Christmas Holidaze, if at all, but then I saw something in stores that really got me excited for the season.  Usually, that's all it takes - One cool item that makes me thankful for the change in seasons and mindset.

Yep, leave it to cereal to get me going.  This isn't anything earth shattering like the returns of Yummy Mummy and Frute Brute, but it's been a while since we've seen any Christmas-themed cereal besides the legendary Christmas Crunch. It's difficult for companies to release holiday items because they don't want to exclude any religions or beliefs.  When was the last time you saw a Hanukkah Crunch?  It would probably be a big hit but, being Catholic, it probably wouldn't appeal to me.  The same can be said for Jewish people and Christmas Crunch.  It leads to drama, lower sales and, ultimately, companies shying away from the idea all together.  Financially, it make sense, but there are loopholes and Post found one with Pebbles Sugar Cookie Cereal! No matter what you celebrate or believe in, we all love sugar cookies, right?!

The box art lured me in as soon as I saw the image on Twitter, but I never expected to find it so soon.  Many items have teased me on TheImpulsiveBuy.com, but I've yet to see any of them in stores.  I assumed the same here, but I caught Target at the perfect time because they were just putting these beauties out on shelves.  I just had to wait for the stock girl to move out of my way in order to not look overly excited over, yet again, a box of cereal.

Realistically, we can all admit that this is a Christmas themed box of cereal, but Post never admits that.  We don't see the word anywhere, but the red, white, and green oats, along with Dino dressed as a reindeer, suggest that this was meant for breakfast on December 25th.  If I was an executive at Post, I'd totally lie and tell you that Bam Bam is wearing an animal-print yamaka, but we all know the deal.  This is a gift to us from Santa Claus.

I love the way the cereal looks, but didn't know what to expect from the flavor.  How would a Sugar Cookie translate?  Pebbles has released in a variety of odd cereal flavors, including Caramel Apple and Cupcake, all to mixed reviews.  Personally, I loved the Caramel Apple taste, but it wasn't meant to be a mainstay and I'd keep it that way.  That's why this is limited-edition and merely seasonal.  If it flops, it'll be outta here in two-months, never to be seen again.

The colors are bright enough to remind you of Christmas lights and that alone makes me happy to have this in my life.  Even though I'm still missing Halloween, I'm trying to find the Christmas spirit and this truly helps me dig deep and bring it out.  Little things like this get you in the mood, but family and friends keep it up as we move closer to the big day.

For the most part, this tastes like Fruity Pebbles and that's fine by me.  Growing up, that was what I ate more than any other breakfast.  Because I loved the Flintstones so much, my Parents always bought me Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles to eat before school.  I remember waking up for school, wrapping myself up in a big blanket, and eating a bowl of Fruity Pebbles while watching Nickelodeon.  So, with every bite, there is nostalgia there for me.  But, there is a hint of Sugar Cookie and it's enough to differentiate this and make it a Christmas Cereal.  Overall, I'm a fan and really like this stuff.  It won't steal any thunder from Christmas Crunch, but it's a great alternative and looks the part.  I probably won't pick up any more boxes, because I'd rather the original Fruity Pebbles, but it's worth trying, especially if you save the holiday boxes like I do.  One day, they'll all be framed and changed as the seasons change.

To conclude, go find and buy a box of Pebbles Sugar Cookie.  It's brand new and worth a shot.  As far as The Holidaze goes, I'll do my best to update the site as much as possible.  If you've been reading, you're well aware that my work schedule is pretty crazy and that might extend into the 2nd week of December, but I'll give it an honest effort.  Because I haven't really contributed to the Christmas Holidaze in the past, just about everything is new to the site so, even if it's two-years-old, it'll probably get mentioned anyway.  So hopefully you'll join me as I attempt to create and enhance the Christmas experience.  If I flop, then just come back in September :)


  1. I am going to look for it! And I love the holiday decor here! Quite festive.

  2. Thank you! If you find it, I'm sure you'll like it!!

  3. LOVE the new theme! Sugar cookies are one of my very favorite things so I am really thinking of getting out of pajamas right now and hunting down a box! I had such a hard time finding Halloween cereal (until almost Halloween) this year that I just broke down and bought Cap'n Crunch (to mix with corn flakes) instead. There isn't much better than a big bowl of fruity or cocoa pebbles. I go back and forth as to which I prefer, but I think this sugar cookie flavor is worth a try, especially after reading this!

  4. If you like Fruity Pebbles and Sugar Cookies, then I think you'll really enjoy this cereal. Hopefully you're able to find it. Not being able to find the Halloween cereals early is a bummer, but hopefully you'll have better luck with this :)
