Sunday, December 1, 2013

Gingerbread TWIX

First off, let me just say - Happy December!! Only 24 days to go, friends!

Now, when I first starting searching for new, and not-so-new, holiday items, the first two to pop out at me were pretty damn awesome.  The first were those ever-so popular Gingerbread M&M's.  But the second, and even more enticing to me than the former, were Gingerbread Twix!!

I'm a big fan of Twix cookie bars, and we'll get into that a bit more in a later post, so I was pumped to see that they were releasing a limited-edition Gingerbread variety.  I looked everywhere to find them and it seemed as though they were becoming more allusive than the yet-to-be found Gingerbread Oreo cookies.  I looked to Ebay, but couldn't justify spending so much money on a bag of candy during what's already such an expensive season.  So, I gave it some time, kept my fingers crossed, and eventually found these babies at Target.  At first, I walked right by them because they blended in so well with the traditional bag, but those smiling Gingerbread men didn't let me get far.

When you take a closer look at the packaging, it's very well done while remaining true to the traditional Twix color and style.  They've added a few swirls to represent the caramel and, of course, two very festive Gingerbread men all decked out in their decorative icing for the holidays.  Although I missed them at first, it's hard to imagine how I could.  As such a big fan of packaging and graphic design, this is something I shouldn't miss at all.

Besides design, I always talk about going the extra mile and, yes, Twix definitely added that little bit extra and it goes a long way.  Take a look at the metallic Twix wrapper.  Not only is it brown and shiny, which is to be expected from Twix, but they added tiny Gingerbread men to the design!  You have to look closely when you purchase your own bag, because this picture actually makes them pop much more than the human eye, but they're there and they're beautiful.  It adds so much to the season.  Now, I don't feel like I'm about to open a regular mini Twix bar, I feel like it's something special and for the holidays.  It doesn't take much to do what Twix did and takes even less to make this nerd happy :)

Looking at the Twix cookie bar, you wouldn't expect anything out of the ordinary.  It looks traditional, but there is a faint smell of Gingerbread and it's enough to let you know that the season is upon us.  Now, I'm a fan of Gingerbread, so I was expecting greatness, but if you like Gingerbread the way I like Pumpkin Spice, then you should probably stop reading right now ;)

Gingerbread is gingerbread, but there are different levels and varieties and this one falls very high on the list of "extreme" gingerbread.  At first, even I wasn't sure what to think.  I actually didn't like them after the first few bites and that surprised me.  But, I realized, it's because I was expecting a traditional Twix flavor and that was throwing me off.  I've never had any Twix outside of the classics, so it's odd biting into one and tasting something that your mind says shouldn't be there.  But believe me, once I had my tastebuds talk to my mind and convince him that this is all going to be okay, it was awesome.  I just had one as I typed this to re-affirm my love for Gingerbread Twix and we're in the clear.  They're a bit bitter, maybe taste more like cinnamon than gingerbread, but it works and it works wonderfully.  I'm not sure if I like these more than the Gingerbread M&M's, but if you like gingerbread, you really can't go wrong with either one of these brands.  Pick 'em both up, have a taste test, throw a party, and enjoy the new candy gifted to us this Christmas.  It's the little things, really :)


  1. Neat packaging! I could justify trying these. :)

  2. I got these and the gingerbread M&M's too. I haven't tried either of them yet. I was waiting for Thanksgiving yo be done before scarfing down holiday foodstuffs. (Silly I know)

    I like gingerbread but I'm not a huge fan, but I'm still looking forward to trying these now! You have to eat something gingerbread during the holiday season. It's a rule, trust me.

  3. Haha Im with you.. Wouldn't want to break such a major holiday rule :)

  4. Just say the Gingerbread men made you do it :)

  5. Your posts make my tummy scream out in hunger :)

  6. Haha contact Twix and tell them where they can send my commission ;)

  7. Wonderful review! I saw these the other day and asked myself, "I wonder if Cliff has written about them yet." So glad the answer is YES.

  8. Haha thank you! It's always been my dream to have somebody see Gingerbread Candy and think of me.. I'm honored lol

  9. What a great new treat! At least it sound likes a great one, I have yet to try them. I looked for them over the weekend, but didn't come across any. I will definitely continue looking though :) Like you mentioned, it will be hard to take a bite and not expect the normal Twix. I need to get into that Gingerbread mindset.

    As always, thanks so much for sharing with us!

  10. If they'd only just bring back the Twix Cookies n' Creme bar... now that was satisfying!

  11. Whoa ya know I never even heard of them, but just did a quick Google search and realize I missed out on them and, last year, Sugar Cookie Twix? Man..
