Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Eve

So, here we are on the eve of another New Year.  As I've gotten older, it amazes me just how fast 365 days fly by.  I don't realize it during the Spring or Summer, but by the time this day rolls around, I look back and think, wow, where the hell did all that time go?  When I was a kid, it felt like years dragged on forever.  As I woke up for school every morning, I couldn't wait to grow up.  Now that I'm grown up (to a degree), I want time to slow down and take a breather.  Sure, make work move faster and get me through the rough times more rapidly, but let the happy, fun, times last forever.  I'm all for new beginnings, but if there's one thing I hope for in 2014, it's for more time to appreciate the big and little things that life has to offer.

Now, that's looking ahead, but I always use this day to look back one more time before sealing 2013 forever.  For me, personally, it's been a roller coaster of a year.  I've gone through extreme ups, downs, and every loop in-between.  I celebrated 9 years with Eileen in January, went to Las Vegas for her birthday in February, celebrated my 26th in March, along with St. Patrick's Day and Lepre-Con, Enjoyed WrestleMania weekend in East Rutherford, NJ in April, finally worked a Brooklyn Nets playoff series after 5 years of losing seasons, had an amazing time enjoying the Jersey Shore and Summer fun in June, sadly lost my buddy Rocky, the worst moment of the year, in July before trying to bounce back in August when I landed a new job.  I started that in September, had to commute and stay in Upstate NY, was in a car accident that led to a new car, had an excellent Halloween season in October, celebrated both of my Parents' birthdays in November before a family-filled Thanksgiving, and rounded out the year with plenty of work and a beautiful Christmas.  Those are the low and highlights, but there was so much more that has either been forgotten or simply added to the experience.  It certainly hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows, but when is a year ever perfect?  There will always be those inconsistencies, for better or worse, that force us to roll with the punches and somehow view the glass as half full when the Universe wants us to see the opposite.  Easier said than done.

The fact that I can cram an entire year into one paragraph is the perfect indicator of just how fast a year goes by.  By the time we've reached this day, those little things are mostly forgotten and only the major events are carried into the New Year.  That's something I'd like to change this year and, to be honest, that's a big reason behind The Holidaze.  Before I started this blog, I would have never remembered the time we made a Haunted Gingerbread House or exactly what happened at Blood Manor in 2012.  Those are little things, a flash in the pan, that we'd normally only appreciate for a moment before letting it fade.  Before this site, I used to keep a daily journal which was obviously much more personal, but this was the outlet I needed at the time I began.  It's nothing big, but it's my small connection to the world and I thank you for being the largest part of it.

For as great as 2013 was for me at times, I'm ready for it to take its final bow.  While nothing really changes between today and tomorrow besides the month and year, it does feel like a new chapter and I always treat it like one.  It's a chance to start fresh, even if it's only in our mind.  We get to wipe the slate clean and write the next phase of our individual stories.  Sure, the unexpected will arrive and no matter how hard we try, we probably won't be ready.  That's the nature of every year and, let's be honest, lots can happen in 365 days.  But on the bright side, that's the beauty of it.  Think of how much greatness can occur in that time and try not to pay any attention to the other hand.  Take one day at a time and give it your all.  I know it's cliche, and we forget it at times, but let's live each day as it's our last and try to make something from it, no matter how small it may be.

As I look forward to 2014, I have high hopes.  I see bigger things for myself and I hope the same can be said for all of you.  If you're a fan of The Holidaze, you're probably a lot like me in the sense that you're a kid at heart and don't want to grow up.  Let's keep it that way because, really, we don't have to.  Maintaining that child-like innocence and ability to connect to our inner 5-year-old is what keeps us young at heart.  It's important to have fun and not always take life so seriously because life will do that enough for us on its own.  That's what I'd like to see continue on The Holidaze in 2014.  Of course, it's only possible with you.  The Holidaze received more hits than ever before in 2013 and I'm sure the next year will blow that away thanks to you!

Now, if I managed to keep your attention without the use of pictures and graphics, then have a very Happy New Year!  If you're going out, stay safe and make the most of the night.  Ring in 2014 the right way and enjoy the moment.  My Aunt always used to say "The way you start the year is the way you'll end it."  If that's true, enter 2014 with a positive mentality and a big ass smile on your face.  While you're at it, put some money in your pocket and hug your loved ones.  You can never have enough good luck!

Okay, I'm done writing my sermon on the Holidaze mount.  My preaching and words of inspiration will now conclude and the regularly scheduled programming of candy, food, cereal, and toys will now continue :)

Happy New Year!

PS. Feel free to share your New Year's Resolutions in the comments section & on Twitter @HolidazeBlog!


  1. That's what I love about this blog: you take the fun things and the small details of the holidays seriously! And it's nice that you try out and review stuff for an idea about what's good to buy, so thank you for that! I *hate* when Christmas is over, but New Year's is such a dynamic time. The positivity in the air right now is really unmatched the rest of the year. Maybe the resolutions fall by the wayside, but maybe they won't?

    May your New Year be blessed! #TheHolidazeForever

  2. Thank you! Ya know, the reason why I take those fun things and small details so seriously is because they're usually attached to a deeper meaning. Whether it's family, friends, or your own happiness, they all connect you to something, especially when you look back on them years from now. NYE is the perfect day to remember that and reflect back on everything because, as you said, there is an unmatched level of positivity in the air. I couldn't have said it better myself. I hope you have an awesome night and an even better New Year. And your hashtag just ended my year on a high note =)
