Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day!! 

I know this may not be the most popular of holidays, and I get that it's largely associated with girly things that most guys aren't in to, but it's a pretty cool day if you ask me.  It's a day to celebrate the love we have for not only our significant others, but everybody we hold close to our heart.  Whether it's your Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Son, Daughter, Friend, Cousin, Wife or Husband, today is a day to remind them how much they mean to you and let them know how much they're appreciated.  Candy, teddy bears, and balloons are great and they're one way of symbolizing that love and affection, but a simple word or warm embrace can do the trick.  You don't have to go out and spend money on the materialism that drives this site, but rather put the extra thought, that runs this site, behind your gesture to create an unforgettable memory or experience that lasts a lifetime.  It's not about what you do, but how you do it.  As is the case with everything, it's about going the extra mile to show somebody how much you care.

To commemorate this February 14th, here's a Valentine's Flashback Friday

In 2009, money was tight, but I wanted to create a memory for my girlfriend that would not only surprise her, but make her feel as special as she is to me.  So, we went down the shore on a cold February 13th and I went out to gather all the ingredients I needed to make some type of Valentine's Day breakfast.  The first thing I bought were a dozen roses and the biggest box of candy I could find.  I bought Valentine's Day cookies and donuts, made waffles and sandwiches because, honestly, I'm not much of a cook and that's about as good as it gets.  I picked up a box of cherry Pop-Tarts and Dr. Pepper Cherry to compliment the flavor and give us something red to drink.  To top it all off, I made her a bowl of Lucky Charms cereal.  But the kicker?  I picked out all of the heart-shaped marshmallows so that it would be her very own Valentine's Day cereal.  It was a huge hit and, of course, I scored some major brownie points for going the extra mile.  It cost me nothing but time but earned me the most beautiful smile I could ask for.

Looking back, I'm surprised General Mills hasn't released an all-hearts Lucky Charms cereal!  What are they waiting for?  That's perfect for V-Day and I'm speaking from experience.  Until then, start picking out those hearts, gentlemen!  She'll appreciate it!

Whether you're single, mingling, flirting, talking, in a relationship or not interested at all - you have somebody in your life that loves you and you love them back.  Use this day as an opportunity to embrace that feeling and show them how much they mean to you.

For all my Holidaze readers, I have two more Valentine's Day posts on deck to help commemorate the day and the connection I have with all of you.  After that, all this mushy gushy stuff is being put aside for green beer and shamrocks :) 

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