Friday, February 14, 2014

Lucky Charms - Valentine's Day Treats

For some reason, General Mills always gives Lucky Charms the special treatment when it comes to the holidays.  Whether it's a decorative box, a St. Patrick's Day cereal, or seasonal marshmallow treats, Lucky the Leprechaun always has a wee bit of Irish luck on his side.  For us, that's a great thing because it leads to awesome products that enhance the season and, of course, our Holidaze.  This one, which I caught at the last minute, was a cool surprise.  I missed out on the orange-bottom Halloween edition, so I was happy to see their was a pink-bottom Valentine's Day edition to make up it.

Look at Lucky, laying there with his head in his hand, thinking about the countless girls he picks up over the rainbow.  You don't smile like that when you're not getting Lucky, and that's gotta be his name for a reason.  I'm starting to think he's a bit of a player, because look at what the wrapper says - "To: Sophia From: Jacob."  Last I checked, his name isn't Jacob, but he's the one with the feathered pen.  So, either Lucky is writing this one for his friends and is more of a cherub named Cupid than a Leprechaun named Lucky, or he's giving out fake names when he pops out from cereal boxes.  I don't know about you guys, but "Taste Me Lucky Charms" is taking on a whole new meaning this Valentine's Day.  I see you, Lucky.. Play on playa..

In all seriousness, I think these mini treats are perfect for Valentine's Day.  When I was a kid, the boys would always bring in V-Day cards and candy for the girls in our class.  I only wanted to bring them in for the cute girls, but my Mom told me I couldn't do that and I had to bring them in for everybody.  That defeated the purpose, so I usually sat that one out and let the candy come to me on the down low.  But we didn't have Lucky Charms mini treats when I was a kid.  If that were the case, I would have easily brought these in for everybody, boys and girls, just to make the popularity meter go up.  It's been a while since I've been a kid, physically anyway, so I don't know if these would make somebody "nerdy" or not, but at 26-years-old, I'd consider it an affection of love.  Just make all 25 pouches out to Cliff and my heart is yours.

I've had Lucky Charm marshmallow treats in the past and absolutely love them.  I once bought two of the smaller boxes and killed them by the end of the day.  It was getting to the point that I ate too many and the thrill was gone.  Well, it's been a while since I've picked them up and, of course, as soon as I saw the pink-bottom icing, it was going down.  That's the selling point, but I knew what to expect in terms of flavor so it was really more of a bonus than anything else.  It just creates a Valentine's Day experience and enhances the spirit of this day.  It's cute, it's pretty, it's everything boys aren't supposed to like, yet I do and am not ashamed to tell you how much that pink makes me happy.  We've seen an orange variety on Halloween, a pink on Valentine's Day and, I can only hope, that there's a green variety on St. Patrick's Day.  Given the fact that Lucky is Irish, that makes more sense than the others!  If General Mills pulls that off next month, they may just break the home run record for awesomness.

To celebrate Valentine's Day, here's a Lucky Charms Treat from The Holidaze to you.  Yeah, you!  No, I'm not like Lucky.. I'm not a player.. I'm talking to you, not that other reader, but you, with the nice eyes made perfectly for reading The Holidaze :)

Happy Valentine's Day!!

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