Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Pepperidge Farm Cinnamon Bun Cookies

Welp, I had high hopes for the month of October on The Holidaze.  I planned on bringing you a different Funko Pop design each day, I planned on keeping up with my own Holidaze Instagram Challenge, and I planned on updating the site with new articles as much as possible.  For the most part, I've failed you.  For whatever reason, and it never seems to fail, I am always at my busiest when October rolls around.  For as much as I'd love to brush work off and focus on cartoons and Halloween candy, my real-life simply won't allow it.  Finding the balance between the two, much like last year, has been difficult this October.  I wish I could simply take a month off and dedicate my entire life to Halloween for 31 days, but my bosses don't seem to be down with that idea.  I don't know when they're going to wake up and realize that Frankenberry is far more important than their company, but until then, I'm stuck doing my job.  How about I just hit the lottery and we take this site to a whole new level.  Or hey, does Donald Trump read The Holidaze?  I could use a couple mill, broski!

Since I don't think that's going to happen, I'll do what I gotta do and attempt to salvage what is left of the season.  Believe it or not, we are only TEN DAYS away from Halloween and I think I may be more unprepared for October 31st than I've ever been before.  It's a shame, really, but it is what it is.  For now, I'm going to do my best to keep the Holidaze spirit alive with the help of a seasonal standout.. Pepperidge Farm!

At first glance, you may be thinking these new Pepperidge Farm Cinnamon Bun cookies are more appropriate for Christmas than Halloween, but I beg to differ.  I see where you may be coming from and, to an extend, I might agree, but Cinnamon Buns scream "Fall," for me.  When I was a kid, on cold Fall nights, my Mom would put on "Shocktober" and bake me a fresh batch of Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls as long as I finished my homework completely and on time.  That sounded like a fair deal to me!  I'd rush through it and relax for the night.  The best nights fell on Fridays when I was done with my homework and had a full weekend ahead of me without any stress.  Those were the good old days and I'll forever associate Cinnamon Buns with Halloween and, in turn, family.  In the end, that's what I want The Holidaze to always come back to - nostalgia and the connections or relationships you find in it.

Normally, I'm not too keen on converting Cinnamon Buns from warm gooey goodness to cookie form, but I was willing to make this exception because Pepperidge Farm has been knocking them out of the park, this season.  As soon as I opened the bag, the smell was undeniably delicious.  It was the scent of Cinnamon, similar to that of Cinnamon Teddy Grahams, and that was working in my favor.  The sprinkles of sugar were an appealing touch and I assumed the chips were meant to represent the icing on top.  Let's be real, a Cinnamon Bun isn't worth the pan it's baked in without that oh-so-good icing!

The verdict?  They're pretty damn good.  They taste like Cinnamon Buns, but still aren't quite the same thing.  I guess that was to be expected, but they're still flavorful enough to be a seasonal smash.  They're another hit for Pepperidge Farm and I appreciate the amount of effort their putting into their different lines of snacks.  I didn't warm these up at all, but I'd imagine putting them into the microwave for a few seconds would do wonders.  That may very well take them to another level, but I'll leave that job up to you.  Get back to me on that.  Until then, I'm going to go dread another day of work tomorrow and wait for Nabisco to steal this idea and release Cinnamon Roll Oreo Cookies for the Christmas season.  You heard the rumor here first.. Just sayinnnnn!

9 / 10


  1. I hear you on October being a busy month. At my office we have a deadline on October 15th so a lot of the joy of the Halloween season gets sucked out for me due to job stress. So no worries, Cliff!
    Fortunately I am on vacation all Halloween week (hahaha all you suckers at my office who took your vacations in the yucky summer months!) Yes I am that hardcore that I take Halloween week off and I wouldn't have it any other way.
    Here's to a week of scary movies and candy candy candy!! Hope you still get to enjoy what's left of the season.

  2. Thanks, Maria! I wish I could devote more time to the site, but real-life pays the bills, I guess!
    I don't blame you one second for taking this week off!! It's such a great time to do so.. You get to sit back, relax, and enjoy the last of the season by taking full advantage of it. You're going to have a great week and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous haha!! Enjoy it! It's going quick!
