Thursday, September 6, 2012

Pillsbury Halloween Cookies

One of the best parts about Halloween are the various varieties of Halloween themed cookies released throughout the season.  Yeah, it's true, the cookies never actually taste any different, but the designs are enough to make you think they do.  A sugar cookie is great, but one with a pumpkin printed on the front?  Well that just has to be better than the plain, old, boring sugar cookie!  Plus, they always come in amazing boxes and/or wrappers.  That, for me, makes walking down the frozen food aisle, freezing my cinnamon buns off, all worth it!

Pillsbury never disappoints me during the Halloween season.  They always go all out on their designs and I appreciate the effort.  For a Hallow-geek like me, it doesn't go unnoticed and usually leads to me spending more money on cookies than I should.  But how do you turn that down?  A costumed doughboy holding brown and orange chocolate chip cookies!?  I love it.  However, if you notice, the wrapper doesn't actually say anything about Halloween.  Maybe they're supposed to be "Fall" themed, but come on, why the mask, then?  ORANGE chips? Nope. Uh-uh.. Whether you say it or not, this IS for Halloween!

You might remember by cookie sheet from last year.  Disregard it.  It's old, it's ugly, and it looks like it's been through a horror movie.  It is the Freddy Krueger of cookie sheets, but it gets the job done and that's all that matters to me.  Regardless, pretend it doesn't exist and that all you see are the tiny blobs of cookie dough filled with chippy Halloween goodness.

Fresh out of the oven, here are the Pillsbury Halloween Chocolate Chip cookies!  I'll admit, I'm not the best baker.  Usually, my girlfriend is the one that makes these come out so great, but this time it was me.  My 2-year-old cousin was over and I saw the perfect opportunity to create a memory.  I remember when I was growing up, my family always did everything they can to make a simple Wednesday or Thursday as special day.  That's what I wanted to do for somebody else.  He may only be 2, but hey, maybe it will stick with him and he'll also be a geek who writes in a Halloween blog one day!  The tradition lives! ;)

I wish I could share them with you through the computer screen, but unfortunately Apple hasn't gotten around to that technology just yet.  Give it time.  Maybe next year.

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