Monday, September 3, 2012

Yummy Mummy Drawing

Halloween is different than any other holiday because there's nothing about that should be taken serious.  With Christmas, you're celebrating the birth of Christ.  Easter brings us the Resurrection.  But October 31st?  You're not actually celebrating anything other than an awesome time of year that allows you to dress up, eat candy, decorate your house, throw parties and, at the very heart of it all, act like a kid again.  So, what better way to do so than by sitting down with a sketch pad for some late night drawing?

In this case, we're going with my own version of Yummy Mummy!

I've been drawing since I was old enough to hold a crayon.  I've never had unbelievable talent, but I can draw well enough.  I can't draw anything realistically, so just about everything I draw involves cartoons.  That's my forte so that's what I stick with.

In the past, I've always drawn the full character or landscape in one shot on one single sheet of paper.  But this time, I wanted to do something different.  See, I'm much better with designing graphics than I am drawing, so I wanted to combine the two and see what I could come up with later.  That meant drawing each individual part of the character, coloring them, then putting them together to complete Yummy Mummy!

Why Yummy Mummy?  I can't explain why, but I have such a love for the classic Monster Cereals' character.  The cereal was before my time, and that may be why I have such a fascination with Yummy Mummy.  He just looks so happy.  His colors are bright and vibrant.  He really stands out and I like that.  I love all the Monster Cereal characters, but Yummy Mummy seems to be the coolest.  I wish they'd re-release Fruity Yummy Mummy cereal for at least one Halloween, but we already know it won't be this year!  Oh well, my weird interest in a pink and yellow Mummy will live on.

I hate drawing hands.  I always have problems drawing the fingers and usually need to look at my own to get the details down.  That's why this hand has 5 fingers rather than 4.  The original Yummy Mummy only had 4 overgrown, cartoony, fingers, but I attempted to draw my own hand and, luckily, I have 5 fingers.  But considering this is my own version of Yummy Mummy, nobody can complain!

Once all of the individual parts are drawn and photographed, I then upload them on to the laptop, transition them over to photocopies, and start coloring.  Here's how his head came out:

Not bad, right?  There are a few things I would have done differently had I decided to draw him over again, but I'm happy with it overall.  I made and posted (on Twitter) the head first. Once I realized it was going to work, I had to finish him up!

I just had to do that over again with the body, arms, and logo.  Then it was time to bring Yummy Mummy to life.

Now that I have his torso and limbs complete, let's see how it all worked out:

What do you think?  I'm really happy with how well the finished product came out.  To think that this went from pencil and markers to an Iphone photograph, I really never expected the coloring to work so well.  I thought I'd lose some of the black edging or something along those lines.  But no, it worked out great.  He looks like a real cartoon!  For that reason, I'd expect "Halloween Drawings" to become a prominent feature on The Holidaze as we move forward.  Hopefully you liked it enough to look forward to more.

Of course, I'd love requests.  If you'd like to see something drawn, especially since I never know what to draw, let me know!  Message me on Twitter @HolidazeBlog

Finally, one last look at Yummy Mummy is all his gory... get it?

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