Last year, I heard all about Candy Corn M&M's. I saw them, I picked them up, and read the bag. It clearly said "white chocolate" M&M's. I thought, if these are just a collection of M&M's that I can get at any time of year, seasonally colored to represent candy corn, then it's not worth buying to try and write about.
But soon after I passed up on the M&M's, I read various reviews that described the flavor and they believed they were actually candy corn flavored. Well now we're talking. This year, I wasn't going to let others describe and review for me, I was going to do that myself. Luckily, I found a tiny bag at Michael's Craft Store and was able to pick it up for cheap.
One thing I never discounted last year was the bag design. On both the large and small bags, they went all out as they usually do with their seasonal M&M's. Of course, they went with the obvious color scheme of yellow, white, and orange. I wouldn't expect anything different, but the fact that they dressed the red M&M in a candy corn costume is pretty cool. We all know this guy. He's been in 100s of commercials and he's quite the complainer. It seems like he's never happy. But somehow, they convinced him to put this costume on and act like he's proud to be laying in an M&M ball pit. He's even throwing up the RVD thumb as if to say "Yeah, check me out, ladies." They must have paid him in gum.
You'd probably notice the size of these M&M's first, but I want you to notice the fact that I flipped every M&M over to be M-Side Up. That's dedication to The Holidaze, so lie and tell me you noticed that first, okay?
Second, you'll notice the strong scent of sugar once you rip this open. It kinda smells like cake frosting battling with the stronger scent of vanilla extract. It's strong, but I like it.
Lastly, before you try one, you have to respect the colors. Comparing these M&M's to candy corn is easy, but they're perfect for fall as well. Besides brown, I can't think of three better colors to pour in a bowl and display on your table as a decorative item. You don't even have to be a fan of Halloween or candy corn, you just have to enjoy the season itself. And if you don't like Fall, then I have no idea how you stumbled on this site.
Okay, now for the reason behind purchasing these suckers at all - the taste!! I gotta be honest, all I'm tasting is white chocolate. I've seen a dozen sites saying that they taste candy corn, but I'm really pushing it if I say I do, too. I mean, you might get a hint of it every now and then, but I truly feel like I'm tricking myself into believing it. A lot of people have said "Yeah, it's white chocolate and candy corn combined." I'll take your word for it and, if that's the case, then I now know what those two flavors taste like when put together, but I can't make the same claim.
Regardless of what I taste, you taste, I think, or you think, these M&M's are still very good and they're worth buying for the colors and design alone. I didn't think so last year, but I've had a change of heart after writing about them. If not for the season, I'd probably avoid them and stick with the classics, but I can't turn down Halloween candy two-years in a row. Now, from what I'm hearing, there are new pumpkin spice M&M's out for 2013 and those I'll have to try. I've been on the lookout, but no luck just yet. When it comes to stocking shelves, stores have been slower than ever. But soon, Halloween will strike and strike hard. Until then, go ahead and pick these up. I'm curious to see what you think.